Brandi Bertamini, Member
I am an independent contractor for families who have young adults with diverse needs. I currently work with two young adults who are very active and so inspirational. My main role is to help them with life skills, daily routines and getting them out and involved in the community. I am very passionate about what I do for a living, and I take great pride in all that we accomplish together.
My goal being on the Hope Bridges board is to help ensure funds are always available for these young adults to continue to have programs together and being a huge part of the community.
I grew up in a small town in northern Alberta and we didn’t have programs in our town like the ones we have here. I moved to Calgary when I graduated high school and worked as a merchandise manager in retail for about fifteen years. I loved my job and all the people I met along the way, but when tragedy struck our family in 2015 my husband and I decided to move closer to our family here in Strathmore.
My sister is a very big part of this community and she inspired me to do what I do today.
I love living in a small community again and working with these young adults! I wouldn’t change it for the world.