Joanne Weir, Treasurer
Joanne has resided in the area for 10 years. She is a mother of 3 and a grandmother of 3.
Joanne joined the Board of Hope Bridges after attending a Gala. Her passion is to help others and use her talents to aid an organization.
She previously was the Executive Director for an organization in Saskatchewan, for adults with disabilities. They operated a SARCAN, a Group Home, Independent Living program, a workshop, and a work program. She was also the Executive Director for a Seniors centre in Calgary.
Joanne’s passion is to be able to support any individual with any disability. Volunteering to an organization fulfills a personal benefit.
I love people, music, dancing, and being able to help an organization that provides these for individuals is meaningful and fulfills an inner purpose. I can use my skills to keep compliant for reporting and government regulators.